Difference between Disposition codes and return reason codes in AX7 / AX2012 R3

Hello Readers, Hope you all are well. Really happy to see good responses on the topics I have posted previously. It really encourages me to share my understanding with you all.

Today I am going to write on the difference between disposition codes and return reason codes. I often used to get confused between disposition codes and return reason codes.

What is it actually? Are they same? What are the significance of these two in the order? 

These and all other kinds of questions I often used to get. I know many of you guys must also be facing similar doubts so it is really important to share the difference between these two.

Disposition codes
It is used to specify what actions to perform on the item returned by the customer. There are various disposition actions specified in AX. We can defined disposition codes in the system and assigned disposition action to each code. Following disposition actions are available:
  • Credit
  • Credit only
  • Returned to customer
  • Scrap
  • Replace and scrap
  • Replace and credit

With each disposition action, there are certain processes predefined in order to get the desired outcome while processing the return.

You can setup charges for a specific disposition code and those charges will then be applied to return order upon selection of specific disposition code in the order.

Disposition codes are mandatory and must be specified during return.

We can utilized these disposition codes for reporting purpose as well to get the information for analysis purpose.

To get more details about disposition codes, refer THIS LINK

Return reason codes
It is nothing but reasons defined in system to know why products are returned by the customer. These reason codes are user defined and there are no return actions unlike disposition actions to specify certain processes for desired outcome.

You can setup charges against each return reason code and those charges are applied to return order upon selection of specific return reason code in the order.

Return reason codes can be mandatory or non mandatory. It is solely depend of company's business process. We can make return reason code mandatory through 'Required reason for return order' checkbox in account receivable parameter.

Account receivable --> Setup --> Account receivable parameter --> General --> Reason code requirements --> Require reason for return order checkbox.

We can utilized these return reason codes for reporting purpose to get the information for analysis purpose.

Keep Daxing !!

Abhijeet Hele |  Dynamics AX Enthusiast | My Profile 
The information provided on this site represents my own opinion/view and does not represent the opinion/view of my employer or Microsoft.